NOW HIRING SENIOR SOCIAL CASEWORKERS! The civil service exam requirement for this job has temporarily been lifted. It's never been easier to be a changemaker. Join us.
To apply for Senior Social Casewoker or Senior Social Caseworker (Spanish-Speaking) submit application and resume to .
Become a Senior Social Case Worker – Find Out More!
The Westchester County Department of Social Services is hiring Senior Social Caseworkers and Senior Social Caseworker (Spanish Speaking) to support families and their children through assessment, advocacy, and connection to services and interventions.
Meet our changemakers. Click the tabs below to watch your future colleagues answer some frequently asked questions:

What do we do?
What's a typical day like?
What are the rewards of the job?
What kind of person is this job for?
What benefits does WCDSS offer?
What support do you get from the Department?