Preventive services are provided to children and their families for the purpose of preventing a child's or children's placement in, or return, to foster care. Services are offered to families where the child or children, under the age of 18, are at risk of foster care placement as determined by the Department of Social Services.

For more information, contact your local district office or call (914) 995-9333.

Preventive services include:

  • Case management
  • Case planning
  • Casework contacts
  • Daycare services
  • Homemaker services
  • Home management services
  • Clinical services
  • Parenting/parent aide services
  • Transportation services
  • Emergency shelter
  • Preventive housing services
  • Intensive home based family preservation services
  • Crisis respite care
  • Recreational services

Non Parent Caregiver Brochure cover thumbnailKnow Your Resources: Nonparent Caregiver Benefits
Nonparent caregivers, commonly called kinship caregivers, are adults who are caring for children living in their home without their parent. If you are a nonparent caregiver, you may be eligible for financial assistance and other supports. Find out more in this brochure from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.